Saturday, August 6, 2011

Back in the saddle ...

Well, not really.

I've unpacked my office(s) and am ready to write. Yes, I have 2 offices: one for the Day Job (the Paycheck Work) and one for me and my writing. I need to keep them both separate, so although they've physically near each other, I have two desks, two rooms, and two separate lives, much as I always did -- only now, it's in the same house!

It's been hard to get into a writing groove because we are busy with Installing: new TV, new computer system, pot bins in the kitchen, rearranging cabinets, finding where boxes are ... I've only been able to steal a minute here and there for writing, which is frustrating. I want a Schedule. I want Routine.

I didn't realize how I loved my old writing routine: come home from work, do a spot of promotional work, eat dinner, relax then write. Now that my Office is near my Home Office, I feel like I'm tethered to the Paycheck Job. I have to learn to filter that out. I should be able to do that soon once the Paycheck deadlines are past.

For now ... I like it -- I like the new town, the new house, the flow of things. It's going to be fine.

If I can just find .... {insert item here ...}

I'm sure it's there somewhere!