Sunday, July 14, 2019

What's going on?

I'm busy, as usual!

Since my last book released, I finished the final edits for the next book in the Remembered Classics series. And you get a chance to see the cover for the first time:

Yep, here it is -- my Alice in Wonderland story.

Alice, you say? A gun and a blood-splattered political badge.

Trust me -- it makes sense. Alice helps someone become whole (and goes down a rabbit hole of intrigue to do so). I don't have a release date yet, but like I said, final edits are done.

What's next?

I'm working on the Little Mermaid story (she was a stalker. You knew that, right?) I plan to submit another Remembered Classic as soon as I know my release date for Whole. Which should I submit next? Jane Eyre? Beauty and the Beast? Snow White?

I'll let you know as soon as I decide!